Zephyr API Documentation 3.7.99
A Scalable Open Source RTOS
No Matches
CoAP service API

CoAP Service API . More...


#define COAP_RESOURCE_DEFINE(_name, _service, ...)
 Define a static CoAP resource owned by the service named _service .
#define COAP_SERVICE_DEFINE(_name, _host, _port, _flags)
 Define a CoAP service with static resources.
#define COAP_SERVICE_COUNT(_dst)
 Count the number of CoAP services.
 Count CoAP service static resources.
#define COAP_SERVICE_HAS_RESOURCE(_service, _resource)
 Check if service has the specified resource.
 Iterate over all CoAP services.
#define COAP_RESOURCE_FOREACH(_service, _it)
 Iterate over static CoAP resources associated with a given _service.
#define COAP_SERVICE_FOREACH_RESOURCE(_service, _it)
 Iterate over all static resources associated with _service .


int coap_service_start (const struct coap_service *service)
 Start the provided service .
int coap_service_stop (const struct coap_service *service)
 Stop the provided service .
int coap_service_is_running (const struct coap_service *service)
 Query the provided service running state.
int coap_service_send (const struct coap_service *service, const struct coap_packet *cpkt, const struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t addr_len, const struct coap_transmission_parameters *params)
 Send a CoAP message from the provided service .
int coap_resource_send (const struct coap_resource *resource, const struct coap_packet *cpkt, const struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t addr_len, const struct coap_transmission_parameters *params)
 Send a CoAP message from the provided resource .
int coap_resource_parse_observe (struct coap_resource *resource, const struct coap_packet *request, const struct sockaddr *addr)
 Parse a CoAP observe request for the provided resource .
int coap_resource_remove_observer_by_addr (struct coap_resource *resource, const struct sockaddr *addr)
 Lookup an observer by address and remove it from the resource .
int coap_resource_remove_observer_by_token (struct coap_resource *resource, const uint8_t *token, uint8_t token_len)
 Lookup an observer by token and remove it from the resource .

CoAP Service configuration flags

 Start the service on boot.

Detailed Description

CoAP Service API .


Macro Definition Documentation


#define COAP_RESOURCE_DEFINE ( _name,
... )

#include <zephyr/net/coap_service.h>

STRUCT_SECTION_ITERABLE_ALTERNATE(_CONCAT(coap_resource_, _service), coap_resource, \
_name) = __VA_ARGS__
#define STRUCT_SECTION_ITERABLE_ALTERNATE(secname, struct_type, varname)
Defines a new element of alternate data type for an iterable section.
Definition iterable_sections.h:188
Description of CoAP resource.
Definition coap.h:280

Define a static CoAP resource owned by the service named _service .

The handlers registered with the resource can return a CoAP response code to reply with an acknowledge without any payload, nothing is sent if the return value is 0 or negative. As seen in the example.
static const struct gpio_dt_spec led = GPIO_DT_SPEC_GET(DT_ALIAS(led0), gpios);
static int led_put(struct coap_resource *resource, struct coap_packet *request,
struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t addr_len)
const uint8_t *payload;
uint16_t payload_len;
payload = coap_packet_get_payload(request, &payload_len);
if (payload_len != 1) {
if (gpio_pin_set_dt(&led, payload[0]) < 0) {
COAP_RESOURCE_DEFINE(my_resource, my_service, {
.put = led_put,
#define COAP_RESOURCE_DEFINE(_name, _service,...)
Define a static CoAP resource owned by the service named _service .
Definition coap_service.h:113
const uint8_t * coap_packet_get_payload(const struct coap_packet *cpkt, uint16_t *len)
Returns the data pointer and length of the CoAP packet.
5.00 - Internal Server Error
Definition coap.h:187
2.04 - Changed
Definition coap.h:152
4.00 - Bad Request
Definition coap.h:158
#define DT_ALIAS(alias)
Get a node identifier from /aliases.
Definition devicetree.h:240
#define GPIO_DT_SPEC_GET(node_id, prop)
Equivalent to GPIO_DT_SPEC_GET_BY_IDX(node_id, prop, 0).
Definition gpio.h:368
static int gpio_pin_set_dt(const struct gpio_dt_spec *spec, int value)
Set logical level of a output pin from a gpio_dt_spec.
Definition gpio.h:1645
size_t socklen_t
Length of a socket address.
Definition net_ip.h:171
__UINT8_TYPE__ uint8_t
Definition stdint.h:88
__UINT16_TYPE__ uint16_t
Definition stdint.h:89
Representation of a CoAP Packet.
Definition coap.h:312
Container for GPIO pin information specified in devicetree.
Definition gpio.h:288
Generic sockaddr struct.
Definition net_ip.h:388
_nameName of the resource.
_serviceName of the associated service.


#define COAP_RESOURCE_FOREACH ( _service,
_it )

#include <zephyr/net/coap_service.h>

STRUCT_SECTION_FOREACH_ALTERNATE(_CONCAT(coap_resource_, _service), coap_resource, _it)
#define STRUCT_SECTION_FOREACH_ALTERNATE(secname, struct_type, iterator)
Iterate over a specified iterable section (alternate).
Definition iterable_sections.h:257

Iterate over static CoAP resources associated with a given _service.

This macro requires that _service is defined with COAP_SERVICE_DEFINE.
_serviceName of CoAP service
_itName of iterator (of type coap_resource)



#include <zephyr/net/coap_service.h>

Start the service on boot.


#define COAP_SERVICE_COUNT ( _dst)

#include <zephyr/net/coap_service.h>

STRUCT_SECTION_COUNT(coap_service, _dst)
#define STRUCT_SECTION_COUNT(struct_type, dst)
Count elements in a section.
Definition iterable_sections.h:291

Count the number of CoAP services.

[out]_dstPointer to location where result is written.


#define COAP_SERVICE_DEFINE ( _name,
_flags )

#include <zephyr/net/coap_service.h>

extern struct coap_resource _CONCAT(_CONCAT(_coap_resource_, _name), _list_start)[]; \
extern struct coap_resource _CONCAT(_CONCAT(_coap_resource_, _name), _list_end)[]; \
__z_coap_service_define(_name, _host, _port, _flags, \
&_CONCAT(_CONCAT(_coap_resource_, _name), _list_start)[0], \
&_CONCAT(_CONCAT(_coap_resource_, _name), _list_end)[0])

Define a CoAP service with static resources.

The _host parameter can be NULL. If not, it is used to specify an IP address either in IPv4 or IPv6 format a fully-qualified hostname or a virtual host, otherwise the any address is used.
The _port parameter must be non-NULL. It points to a location that specifies the port number to use for the service. If the specified port number is zero, then an ephemeral port number will be used and the actual port number assigned will be written back to memory. For ephemeral port numbers, the memory pointed to by _port must be writeable.
_nameName of the service.
_hostIP address or hostname associated with the service.
[in,out]_portPointer to port associated with the service.
_flagsConfiguration flags
See also



#include <zephyr/net/coap_service.h>

STRUCT_SECTION_FOREACH(coap_service, _it)
#define STRUCT_SECTION_FOREACH(struct_type, iterator)
Iterate over a specified iterable section.
Definition iterable_sections.h:270

Iterate over all CoAP services.

_itName of iterator (of type CoAP service API)


_it )

#include <zephyr/net/coap_service.h>

for (struct coap_resource *_it = (_service)->res_begin; ({ \
__ASSERT(_it <= (_service)->res_end, "unexpected list end location"); \
_it < (_service)->res_end; \
}); _it++)

Iterate over all static resources associated with _service .

This macro is suitable for a _service defined with COAP_SERVICE_DEFINE.
_servicePointer to COAP service
_itName of iterator (of type coap_resource)


#define COAP_SERVICE_HAS_RESOURCE ( _service,
_resource )

#include <zephyr/net/coap_service.h>

((_service)->res_begin <= _resource && _resource < (_service)->res_end)

Check if service has the specified resource.

_servicePointer to a service.
_resourcePointer to a resource.



#include <zephyr/net/coap_service.h>

((_service)->res_end - (_service)->res_begin)

Count CoAP service static resources.

_servicePointer to a service.

Function Documentation

◆ coap_resource_parse_observe()

int coap_resource_parse_observe ( struct coap_resource * resource,
const struct coap_packet * request,
const struct sockaddr * addr )

#include <zephyr/net/coap_service.h>

Parse a CoAP observe request for the provided resource .

This function is suitable for a resource defined with COAP_RESOURCE_DEFINE.

If the observe option value is equal to 0, an observer will be added, if the value is equal to 1, an existing observer will be removed.

resourcePointer to CoAP resource
requestCoAP request to parse
addrPeer address
the observe option value in case of success or negative in case of error.

◆ coap_resource_remove_observer_by_addr()

int coap_resource_remove_observer_by_addr ( struct coap_resource * resource,
const struct sockaddr * addr )

#include <zephyr/net/coap_service.h>

Lookup an observer by address and remove it from the resource .

This function is suitable for a resource defined with COAP_RESOURCE_DEFINE.
resourcePointer to CoAP resource
addrPeer address
0 in case of success or negative in case of error.

◆ coap_resource_remove_observer_by_token()

int coap_resource_remove_observer_by_token ( struct coap_resource * resource,
const uint8_t * token,
uint8_t token_len )

#include <zephyr/net/coap_service.h>

Lookup an observer by token and remove it from the resource .

This function is suitable for a resource defined with COAP_RESOURCE_DEFINE.
resourcePointer to CoAP resource
tokenPointer to the token
token_lenLength of valid bytes in the token
0 in case of success or negative in case of error.

◆ coap_resource_send()

int coap_resource_send ( const struct coap_resource * resource,
const struct coap_packet * cpkt,
const struct sockaddr * addr,
socklen_t addr_len,
const struct coap_transmission_parameters * params )

#include <zephyr/net/coap_service.h>

Send a CoAP message from the provided resource .

This function is suitable for a resource defined with COAP_RESOURCE_DEFINE.
resourcePointer to CoAP resource
cpktCoAP Packet to send
addrPeer address
addr_lenPeer address length
paramsPointer to transmission parameters structure or NULL to use default values.
0 in case of success or negative in case of error.

◆ coap_service_is_running()

int coap_service_is_running ( const struct coap_service * service)

#include <zephyr/net/coap_service.h>

Query the provided service running state.

This function is suitable for a service defined with COAP_SERVICE_DEFINE.
servicePointer to CoAP service
Return values
1if the service is running
0if the service is stopped
negativein case of an error.

◆ coap_service_send()

int coap_service_send ( const struct coap_service * service,
const struct coap_packet * cpkt,
const struct sockaddr * addr,
socklen_t addr_len,
const struct coap_transmission_parameters * params )

#include <zephyr/net/coap_service.h>

Send a CoAP message from the provided service .

This function is suitable for a service defined with COAP_SERVICE_DEFINE.
servicePointer to CoAP service
cpktCoAP Packet to send
addrPeer address
addr_lenPeer address length
paramsPointer to transmission parameters structure or NULL to use default values.
0 in case of success or negative in case of error.

◆ coap_service_start()

int coap_service_start ( const struct coap_service * service)

#include <zephyr/net/coap_service.h>

Start the provided service .

This function is suitable for a service defined with COAP_SERVICE_DEFINE.
servicePointer to CoAP service
Return values
0in case of success.
-EALREADYin case of an already running service.
-ENOTSUPin case the server has no valid host and port configuration.

◆ coap_service_stop()

int coap_service_stop ( const struct coap_service * service)

#include <zephyr/net/coap_service.h>

Stop the provided service .

This function is suitable for a service defined with COAP_SERVICE_DEFINE.
servicePointer to CoAP service
Return values
0in case of success.
-EALREADYin case the service isn't running.