Zephyr API Documentation 3.7.99
A Scalable Open Source RTOS
No Matches
Device Model

Device Model . More...


 Device memory-mapped IO management
 Definitions and helper macros for managing driver memory-mapped input/output (MMIO) regions appropriately in either RAM or ROM.

Data Structures

struct  device_state
 Runtime device dynamic structure (in RAM) per driver instance. More...
struct  device
 Runtime device structure (in ROM) per driver instance. More...


 Flag value used to identify an unknown device.
#define DEVICE_NAME_GET(dev_id)
 Expands to the name of a global device object.
#define DEVICE_DEFINE(dev_id, name, init_fn, pm, data, config, level, prio, api)
 Create a device object and set it up for boot time initialization.
#define DEVICE_DT_NAME(node_id)
 Return a string name for a devicetree node.
#define DEVICE_DT_DEFER(node_id)
 Determine if a devicetree node initialization should be deferred.
#define DEVICE_DT_DEFINE(node_id, init_fn, pm, data, config, level, prio, api, ...)
 Create a device object from a devicetree node identifier and set it up for boot time initialization.
#define DEVICE_DT_INST_DEFINE(inst, ...)
 Like DEVICE_DT_DEFINE(), but uses an instance of a DT_DRV_COMPAT compatible instead of a node identifier.
#define DEVICE_DT_NAME_GET(node_id)
 The name of the global device object for node_id.
#define DEVICE_DT_GET(node_id)
 Get a device reference from a devicetree node identifier.
#define DEVICE_DT_INST_GET(inst)
 Get a device reference for an instance of a DT_DRV_COMPAT compatible.
#define DEVICE_DT_GET_ANY(compat)
 Get a device reference from a devicetree compatible.
#define DEVICE_DT_GET_ONE(compat)
 Get a device reference from a devicetree compatible.
#define DEVICE_DT_GET_OR_NULL(node_id)
 Utility macro to obtain an optional reference to a device.
#define DEVICE_GET(dev_id)
 Obtain a pointer to a device object by name.
#define DEVICE_DECLARE(dev_id)
 Declare a static device object.
#define DEVICE_INIT_DT_GET(node_id)
 Get a init_entry reference from a devicetree node.
#define DEVICE_INIT_GET(dev_id)
 Get a init_entry reference from a device identifier.


typedef int16_t device_handle_t
 Type used to represent a "handle" for a device.
typedef int(* device_visitor_callback_t) (const struct device *dev, void *context)
 Prototype for functions used when iterating over a set of devices.


static device_handle_t device_handle_get (const struct device *dev)
 Get the handle for a given device.
static const struct devicedevice_from_handle (device_handle_t dev_handle)
 Get the device corresponding to a handle.
static const device_handle_tdevice_required_handles_get (const struct device *dev, size_t *count)
 Get the device handles for devicetree dependencies of this device.
static const device_handle_tdevice_injected_handles_get (const struct device *dev, size_t *count)
 Get the device handles for injected dependencies of this device.
static const device_handle_tdevice_supported_handles_get (const struct device *dev, size_t *count)
 Get the set of handles that this device supports.
int device_required_foreach (const struct device *dev, device_visitor_callback_t visitor_cb, void *context)
 Visit every device that dev directly requires.
int device_supported_foreach (const struct device *dev, device_visitor_callback_t visitor_cb, void *context)
 Visit every device that dev directly supports.
const struct devicedevice_get_binding (const char *name)
 Get a device reference from its device::name field.
bool device_is_ready (const struct device *dev)
 Verify that a device is ready for use.
int device_init (const struct device *dev)
 Initialize a device.

Detailed Description

Device Model .


Macro Definition Documentation


#define DEVICE_DECLARE ( dev_id)

#include <zephyr/device.h>

static const struct device DEVICE_NAME_GET(dev_id)
#define DEVICE_NAME_GET(dev_id)
Expands to the name of a global device object.
Definition device.h:96
Runtime device structure (in ROM) per driver instance.
Definition device.h:412

Declare a static device object.

This macro can be used at the top-level to declare a device, such that DEVICE_GET() may be used before the full declaration in DEVICE_DEFINE().

This is often useful when configuring interrupts statically in a device's init or per-instance config function, as the init function itself is required by DEVICE_DEFINE() and use of DEVICE_GET() inside it creates a circular dependency.

dev_idDevice identifier.


#define DEVICE_DEFINE ( dev_id,
api )

#include <zephyr/device.h>

Z_DEVICE_DEFINE(DT_INVALID_NODE, dev_id, name, init_fn, pm, data, \
config, level, prio, api, \
Name for an invalid node identifier.
Definition devicetree.h:87

Create a device object and set it up for boot time initialization.

This macro defines a device that is automatically configured by the kernel during system initialization. This macro should only be used when the device is not being allocated from a devicetree node. If you are allocating a device from a devicetree node, use DEVICE_DT_DEFINE() or DEVICE_DT_INST_DEFINE() instead.

dev_idA unique token which is used in the name of the global device structure as a C identifier.
nameA string name for the device, which will be stored in device::name. This name can be used to look up the device with device_get_binding(). This must be less than Z_DEVICE_MAX_NAME_LEN characters (including terminating NULL) in order to be looked up from user mode.
init_fnPointer to the device's initialization function, which will be run by the kernel during system initialization. Can be NULL.
pmPointer to the device's power management resources, a pm_device, which will be stored in device::pm field. Use NULL if the device does not use PM.
dataPointer to the device's private mutable data, which will be stored in device::data.
configPointer to the device's private constant data, which will be stored in device::config.
levelThe device's initialization level (PRE_KERNEL_1, PRE_KERNEL_2 or POST_KERNEL).
prioThe device's priority within its initialization level. See SYS_INIT() for details.
apiPointer to the device's API structure. Can be NULL.


#define DEVICE_DT_DEFER ( node_id)

#include <zephyr/device.h>

DT_PROP(node_id, zephyr_deferred_init)
#define DT_PROP(node_id, prop)
Get a devicetree property value.
Definition devicetree.h:749

Determine if a devicetree node initialization should be deferred.

node_idThe devicetree node identifier.
Boolean stating if node initialization should be deferred.


#define DEVICE_DT_DEFINE ( node_id,
... )

#include <zephyr/device.h>

Z_DEVICE_DEFINE(node_id, Z_DEVICE_DT_DEV_ID(node_id), \
DEVICE_DT_NAME(node_id), init_fn, pm, data, config, \
level, prio, api, \
__VA_ARGS__) \
#define DEVICE_DT_NAME(node_id)
Return a string name for a devicetree node.
Definition device.h:159

Create a device object from a devicetree node identifier and set it up for boot time initialization.

This macro defines a device that is automatically configured by the kernel during system initialization. The global device object's name as a C identifier is derived from the node's dependency ordinal. device::name is set to DEVICE_DT_NAME(node_id).

The device is declared with extern visibility, so a pointer to a global device object can be obtained with DEVICE_DT_GET(node_id) from any source file that includes <zephyr/device.h> (even from extensions, when CONFIG_LLEXT_EXPORT_DEVICES is enabled). Before using the pointer, the referenced object should be checked using device_is_ready().

node_idThe devicetree node identifier.
init_fnPointer to the device's initialization function, which will be run by the kernel during system initialization. Can be NULL.
pmPointer to the device's power management resources, a pm_device, which will be stored in device::pm. Use NULL if the device does not use PM.
dataPointer to the device's private mutable data, which will be stored in device::data.
configPointer to the device's private constant data, which will be stored in device::config field.
levelThe device's initialization level (PRE_KERNEL_1, PRE_KERNEL_2 or POST_KERNEL).
prioThe device's priority within its initialization level. See SYS_INIT() for details.
apiPointer to the device's API structure. Can be NULL.


#define DEVICE_DT_GET ( node_id)

#include <zephyr/device.h>

#define DEVICE_DT_NAME_GET(node_id)
The name of the global device object for node_id.
Definition device.h:238

Get a device reference from a devicetree node identifier.

Returns a pointer to a device object created from a devicetree node, if any device was allocated by a driver.

If no such device was allocated, this will fail at linker time. If you get an error that looks like undefined reference to __device_dts_ord_<N>, that is what happened. Check to make sure your device driver is being compiled, usually by enabling the Kconfig options it requires.

node_idA devicetree node identifier
A pointer to the device object created for that node


#define DEVICE_DT_GET_ANY ( compat)

#include <zephyr/device.h>

#define DEVICE_DT_GET(node_id)
Get a device reference from a devicetree node identifier.
Definition device.h:255
Does the devicetree have a status okay node with a compatible?
Definition devicetree.h:3608
Get a node identifier for a status okay node with a compatible.
Definition devicetree.h:466
#define COND_CODE_1(_flag, _if_1_code, _else_code)
Insert code depending on whether _flag expands to 1 or not.
Definition util_macro.h:195

Get a device reference from a devicetree compatible.

If an enabled devicetree node has the given compatible and a device object was created from it, this returns a pointer to that device.

If there no such devices, this returns NULL.

If there are multiple, this returns an arbitrary one.

If this returns non-NULL, the device must be checked for readiness before use, e.g. with device_is_ready().

compatlowercase-and-underscores devicetree compatible
a pointer to a device, or NULL


#define DEVICE_DT_GET_ONE ( compat)

#include <zephyr/device.h>

0 if cond is true-ish; causes a compile error otherwise.
Definition util.h:90

Get a device reference from a devicetree compatible.

If an enabled devicetree node has the given compatible and a device object was created from it, this returns a pointer to that device.

If there are no such devices, this will fail at compile time.

If there are multiple, this returns an arbitrary one.

If this returns non-NULL, the device must be checked for readiness before use, e.g. with device_is_ready().

compatlowercase-and-underscores devicetree compatible
a pointer to a device


#define DEVICE_DT_GET_OR_NULL ( node_id)

#include <zephyr/device.h>

(DEVICE_DT_GET(node_id)), (NULL))
#define DT_NODE_HAS_STATUS_OKAY(node_id)
Does a node identifier refer to a node with a status okay?
Definition devicetree.h:3587

Utility macro to obtain an optional reference to a device.

If the node identifier refers to a node with status okay, this returns DEVICE_DT_GET(node_id). Otherwise, it returns NULL.

node_iddevicetree node identifier
a device reference for the node identifier, which may be NULL.


#define DEVICE_DT_INST_DEFINE ( inst,
... )

#include <zephyr/device.h>

#define DEVICE_DT_DEFINE(node_id, init_fn, pm, data, config, level, prio, api,...)
Create a device object from a devicetree node identifier and set it up for boot time initialization.
Definition device.h:203
#define DT_DRV_INST(inst)
Node identifier for an instance of a DT_DRV_COMPAT compatible.
Definition devicetree.h:3806

Like DEVICE_DT_DEFINE(), but uses an instance of a DT_DRV_COMPAT compatible instead of a node identifier.

instInstance number. The node_id argument to DEVICE_DT_DEFINE() is set to DT_DRV_INST(inst).
...Other parameters as expected by DEVICE_DT_DEFINE().


#define DEVICE_DT_INST_GET ( inst)

#include <zephyr/device.h>


Get a device reference for an instance of a DT_DRV_COMPAT compatible.

This is equivalent to DEVICE_DT_GET(DT_DRV_INST(inst)).

instDT_DRV_COMPAT instance number
A pointer to the device object created for that instance


#define DEVICE_DT_NAME ( node_id)

#include <zephyr/device.h>

DT_PROP_OR(node_id, label, DT_NODE_FULL_NAME(node_id))
#define DT_NODE_FULL_NAME(node_id)
Get a devicetree node's name with unit-address as a string literal.
Definition devicetree.h:524
#define DT_PROP_OR(node_id, prop, default_value)
Like DT_PROP(), but with a fallback to default_value.
Definition devicetree.h:911

Return a string name for a devicetree node.

This macro returns a string literal usable as a device's name from a devicetree node identifier.

node_idThe devicetree node identifier.
The value of the node's label property, if it has one. Otherwise, the node's full name in node-name@unit-address form.


#define DEVICE_DT_NAME_GET ( node_id)

#include <zephyr/device.h>


The name of the global device object for node_id.

Returns the name of the global device structure as a C identifier. The device must be allocated using DEVICE_DT_DEFINE() or DEVICE_DT_INST_DEFINE() for this to work.

This macro is normally only useful within device driver source code. In other situations, you are probably looking for DEVICE_DT_GET().

node_idDevicetree node identifier
The name of the device object as a C identifier


#define DEVICE_GET ( dev_id)

#include <zephyr/device.h>


Obtain a pointer to a device object by name.

Return the address of a device object created by DEVICE_DEFINE(), using the dev_id provided to DEVICE_DEFINE().

dev_idDevice identifier.
A pointer to the device object created by DEVICE_DEFINE()



#include <zephyr/device.h>

Flag value used to identify an unknown device.


#define DEVICE_INIT_DT_GET ( node_id)

#include <zephyr/device.h>


Get a init_entry reference from a devicetree node.

node_idA devicetree node identifier
A pointer to the init_entry object created for that node


#define DEVICE_INIT_GET ( dev_id)

#include <zephyr/device.h>


Get a init_entry reference from a device identifier.

dev_idDevice identifier.
A pointer to the init_entry object created for that device


#define DEVICE_NAME_GET ( dev_id)

#include <zephyr/device.h>

_CONCAT(__device_, dev_id)

Expands to the name of a global device object.

Return the full name of a device object symbol created by DEVICE_DEFINE(), using the dev_id provided to DEVICE_DEFINE(). This is the name of the global variable storing the device structure, not a pointer to the string in the device::name field.

It is meant to be used for declaring extern symbols pointing to device objects before using the DEVICE_GET macro to get the device object.

This macro is normally only useful within device driver source code. In other situations, you are probably looking for device_get_binding().

dev_idDevice identifier.
The full name of the device object defined by device definition macros.

Typedef Documentation

◆ device_handle_t

#include <zephyr/device.h>

Type used to represent a "handle" for a device.

Every device has an associated handle. You can get a pointer to a device from its handle and vice versa, but the handle uses less space than a pointer. The device.h API mainly uses handles to store lists of multiple devices in a compact way.

The extreme values and zero have special significance. Negative values identify functionality that does not correspond to a Zephyr device, such as the system clock or a SYS_INIT() function.

See also

◆ device_visitor_callback_t

typedef int(* device_visitor_callback_t) (const struct device *dev, void *context)

#include <zephyr/device.h>

Prototype for functions used when iterating over a set of devices.

Such a function may be used in API that identifies a set of devices and provides a visitor API supporting caller-specific interaction with each device in the set.

The visit is said to succeed if the visitor returns a non-negative value.

deva device in the set being iterated
contextstate used to support the visitor function
A non-negative number to allow walking to continue, and a negative error code to case the iteration to stop.
See also

Function Documentation

◆ device_from_handle()

static const struct device * device_from_handle ( device_handle_t dev_handle)

#include <zephyr/device.h>

Get the device corresponding to a handle.

dev_handlethe device handle
the device that has that handle, or a null pointer if dev_handle does not identify a device.

◆ device_get_binding()

const struct device * device_get_binding ( const char * name)

#include <zephyr/device.h>

Get a device reference from its device::name field.

This function iterates through the devices on the system. If a device with the given name field is found, and that device initialized successfully at boot time, this function returns a pointer to the device.

If no device has the given name, this function returns NULL.

This function also returns NULL when a device is found, but it failed to initialize successfully at boot time. (To troubleshoot this case, set a breakpoint on your device driver's initialization function.)

namedevice name to search for. A null pointer, or a pointer to an empty string, will cause NULL to be returned.
pointer to device structure with the given name; NULL if the device is not found or if the device with that name's initialization function failed.

◆ device_handle_get()

static device_handle_t device_handle_get ( const struct device * dev)

#include <zephyr/device.h>

Get the handle for a given device.

devthe device for which a handle is desired.
the handle for the device, or DEVICE_HANDLE_NULL if the device does not have an associated handle.

◆ device_init()

int device_init ( const struct device * dev)

#include <zephyr/device.h>

Initialize a device.

A device whose initialization was deferred (by marking it as zephyr,deferred-init on devicetree) needs to be initialized manually via this call. Note that only devices whose initialization was deferred can be initialized via this call - one can not try to initialize a non initialization deferred device that failed initialization with this call.

devdevice to be initialized.
Return values
-ENOENTIf device was not found - or isn't a deferred one.
-errnoFor other errors.

◆ device_injected_handles_get()

static const device_handle_t * device_injected_handles_get ( const struct device * dev,
size_t * count )

#include <zephyr/device.h>

Get the device handles for injected dependencies of this device.

This function returns a pointer to an array of device handles. The length of the array is stored in the count parameter.

The array contains a handle for each device that dev manually injected as a dependency, via providing extra arguments to Z_DEVICE_DEFINE. This does not include transitive dependencies; you must recursively determine those.

devthe device for which injected dependencies are desired.
countpointer to where this function should store the length of the returned array. No value is stored if the call returns a null pointer. The value may be set to zero if the device has no devicetree dependencies.
a pointer to a sequence of *count device handles, or a null pointer if dev does not have any dependency data.

◆ device_is_ready()

bool device_is_ready ( const struct device * dev)

#include <zephyr/device.h>

Verify that a device is ready for use.

Indicates whether the provided device pointer is for a device known to be in a state where it can be used with its standard API.

This can be used with device pointers captured from DEVICE_DT_GET(), which does not include the readiness checks of device_get_binding(). At minimum this means that the device has been successfully initialized.

devpointer to the device in question.
Return values
trueIf the device is ready for use.
falseIf the device is not ready for use or if a NULL device pointer is passed as argument.

◆ device_required_foreach()

int device_required_foreach ( const struct device * dev,
device_visitor_callback_t visitor_cb,
void * context )

#include <zephyr/device.h>

Visit every device that dev directly requires.

Zephyr maintains information about which devices are directly required by another device; for example an I2C-based sensor driver will require an I2C controller for communication. Required devices can derive from statically-defined devicetree relationships or dependencies registered at runtime.

This API supports operating on the set of required devices. Example uses include making sure required devices are ready before the requiring device is used, and releasing them when the requiring device is no longer needed.

There is no guarantee on the order in which required devices are visited.

If the visitor_cb function returns a negative value iteration is halted, and the returned value from the visitor is returned from this function.

This API is not available to unprivileged threads.
deva device of interest. The devices that this device depends on will be used as the set of devices to visit. This parameter must not be null.
visitor_cbthe function that should be invoked on each device in the dependency set. This parameter must not be null.
contextstate that is passed through to the visitor function. This parameter may be null if visitor_cb tolerates a null context.
The number of devices that were visited if all visits succeed, or the negative value returned from the first visit that did not succeed.

◆ device_required_handles_get()

static const device_handle_t * device_required_handles_get ( const struct device * dev,
size_t * count )

#include <zephyr/device.h>

Get the device handles for devicetree dependencies of this device.

This function returns a pointer to an array of device handles. The length of the array is stored in the count parameter.

The array contains a handle for each device that dev requires directly, as determined from the devicetree. This does not include transitive dependencies; you must recursively determine those.

devthe device for which dependencies are desired.
countpointer to where this function should store the length of the returned array. No value is stored if the call returns a null pointer. The value may be set to zero if the device has no devicetree dependencies.
a pointer to a sequence of count device handles, or a null pointer if dev does not have any dependency data.

◆ device_supported_foreach()

int device_supported_foreach ( const struct device * dev,
device_visitor_callback_t visitor_cb,
void * context )

#include <zephyr/device.h>

Visit every device that dev directly supports.

Zephyr maintains information about which devices are directly supported by another device; for example an I2C controller will support an I2C-based sensor driver. Supported devices can derive from statically-defined devicetree relationships.

This API supports operating on the set of supported devices. Example uses include iterating over the devices connected to a regulator when it is powered on.

There is no guarantee on the order in which required devices are visited.

If the visitor_cb function returns a negative value iteration is halted, and the returned value from the visitor is returned from this function.

This API is not available to unprivileged threads.
deva device of interest. The devices that this device supports will be used as the set of devices to visit. This parameter must not be null.
visitor_cbthe function that should be invoked on each device in the support set. This parameter must not be null.
contextstate that is passed through to the visitor function. This parameter may be null if visitor_cb tolerates a null context.
The number of devices that were visited if all visits succeed, or the negative value returned from the first visit that did not succeed.

◆ device_supported_handles_get()

static const device_handle_t * device_supported_handles_get ( const struct device * dev,
size_t * count )

#include <zephyr/device.h>

Get the set of handles that this device supports.

This function returns a pointer to an array of device handles. The length of the array is stored in the count parameter.

The array contains a handle for each device that dev "supports" – that is, devices that require dev directly – as determined from the devicetree. This does not include transitive dependencies; you must recursively determine those.

devthe device for which supports are desired.
countpointer to where this function should store the length of the returned array. No value is stored if the call returns a null pointer. The value may be set to zero if nothing in the devicetree depends on dev.
a pointer to a sequence of *count device handles, or a null pointer if dev does not have any dependency data.