Caching Basics

This section discusses the basics of cache coherency and under what situations a user needs to explicitly deal with caching. For more detailed info on Zephyr’s caching tools, see Cache Control Configuration for Zephyr Kconfig options or Cache API for the API reference. This section primarily focuses on the data cache though there is typically also an instruction cache for systems with cache support.


The information here assumes that the architecture-specific MPU support is enabled. See the architecture-specific documentation for details.


While cache coherence can be a concern for data shared between SMP cores, Zephyr in general ensures that memory will be seen in a coherent state from multiple cores. Most applications will only need to use the cache APIs for interaction with external hardware like DMA controllers or foreign CPUs running a different OS image. For more information on cache coherence between SMP cores, see CONFIG_KERNEL_COHERENCE.

When dealing with memory shared between a processor core and other bus masters, cache coherency needs to be considered. Typically processor caches exist as close to each processor core as possible to maximize performance gain. Because of this, data moved into and out of memory by DMA engines will be stale in the processor’s cache, resulting in what appears to be corrupt data. If you are moving data using DMA and the processor doesn’t see the data you expect, cache coherency may be the issue.

There are multiple approaches to ensuring that the data seen by the processor core and peripherals is coherent. The simplest is just to disable caching, but this defeats the purpose of having a hardware cache in the first place and results in a significant performance hit. Many architectures provide methods for disabling caching for only a portion of memory. This can be useful when cache coherence is more important than performance, such as when using DMA with SPI. Finally, there is the option to flush or invalidate the cache for regions of memory at runtime.

Globally Disabling the Data Cache

As mentioned above, globally disabling data caching can have a significant performance impact but can be useful for debugging.


Disabling Caching for a Memory Region

Disabling caching for only a portion of memory can be a good performance compromise if performance on the uncached memory is not critical to the application. This is a good option if the application requires many small unrelated buffers that are smaller than a cache line.


Assuming the MPU driver is enabled, it will configure the specified regions according to the memory attributes specified during kernel initialization. When using a dedicated uncached region of memory, the linker needs to be instructed to place buffers into that region. This can be accomplished by specifying the memory region explicitly using Z_GENERIC_SECTION:

/* SRAM4 marked as uncached in device tree */
uint8_t buffer[BUF_SIZE] Z_GENERIC_SECTION("SRAM4");


Configuring a distinct memory region with separate caching rules requires the use of an MPU region which may be a limited resource on some architectures. MPU regions may be needed by other memory protection features such as userspace, stack protection, or memory domains.

Automatically Disabling Caching by Variable

Zephyr has the ability to automatically define an uncached region in memory and allocate variables to it using __nocache. Any variables marked with this attribute will be placed in a special nocache linker region in memory. This region will be configured as uncached by the MPU driver during initialization. This is a simpler option than explicitly declaring a region of memory uncached but provides less control over the placement of these variables, as the linker may allocate this region anywhere in RAM.


  • CONFIG_DCACHE: DCACHE control enabled in Zephyr.

  • CONFIG_NOCACHE_MEMORY: enable allocation of the nocache linker region and configure it as uncached.

  • Add the __nocache attribute at the end of any uncached buffer definition:

uint8_t buffer[BUF_SIZE] __nocache;


See note above regarding possible limitations on MPU regions. The nocache region is still a distinct MPU region even though it is automatically created by Zephyr instead of being explicitly defined by the user.

Runtime Cache Control

The most performant but most complex option is to control data caching at runtime. The two most relevant cache operations in this case are flushing and invalidating. Both of these operations operate on the smallest unit of cacheable memory, the cache line. Data cache lines are typically 16 to 128 bytes. See CONFIG_DCACHE_LINE_SIZE. Cache line sizes are typically fixed in hardware and not configurable, but Zephyr does need to know the size of cache lines in order to correctly and efficiently manage the cache. If the buffers in question are smaller than the data cache line size, it may be more efficient to place them in an uncached region, as unrelated data packed into the same cache line may be destroyed when invalidating.

Flushing the cache involves writing all modified cache lines in a specified region back to shared memory. Flush the cache associated with a buffer after the processor has written to it and before a remote bus master reads from that region.


Some architectures support a cache configuration called write-through caching in which data writes from the processor core propagate through to shared memory. While this solves the cache coherence problem for CPU writes, it also results in more traffic to main memory which may result in performance degradation.

Invalidating the cache works similarly but in the other direction. It marks cache lines in the specified region as stale, ensuring that the cache line will be refreshed from main memory when the processor next reads from the specified region. Invalidate the data cache of a buffer that a peripheral has written to before reading from that region.

In some cases, the same buffer may be reused for e.g. DMA reads and DMA writes. In that case it is possible to first flush the cache associated with a buffer and then invalidate it, ensuring that the cache will be refreshed the next time the processor reads from the buffer.



As mentioned in and associated functions, buffers should be aligned to the cache line size. This can be accomplished by using __aligned:

uint8_t buffer[BUF_SIZE] __aligned(CONFIG_DCACHE_LINE_SIZE);