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Adafruit 5x5 NeoPixel Grid BFF


The Adafruit 5x5 NeoPixel Grid BFF is a 5x5 grid of WS2812B RGB LEDs, which Adafruit refers to as “neopixels”. The BFF series of shields are designed to be compatible with any Adafruit Qt Py or Seeed Studio Xiao board.

Adafruit 5x5 NeoPixel Grid BFF

Adafruit 5x5 NeoPixel Grid BFF (Credit: Adafruit)

Pin Assignments

Shield Connector Pin



WS2812B driver pin [1]


LED Strip Example

Set --shield adafruit_neopixel_grid_bff when you invoke west build. For example:

# From the root of the zephyr repository
west build -b adafruit_qt_py_rp2040 --shield adafruit_neopixel_grid_bff samples/drivers/led/led_strip

LED Display Matrix Example


When using this example, all of the LEDs will be set to their maximum brightness. Having all of the LEDs on at once can cause the PCB to overheat or draw too much current from any on-board voltage regulators. Adafruit does provide solder pads for your own power supply on the underside of the BFF for this reason. It is not required, but is strongly recommended if all of the LEDs are fully on for any significant amount of time.

Set --shield adafruit_neopixel_grid_bff_display when you invoke west build. For example:

# From the root of the zephyr repository
west build -b adafruit_qt_py_rp2040 --shield adafruit_neopixel_grid_bff_display samples/drivers/display