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Magnetometer trigger

Browse source code on GitHub


Sample application that reads magnetometer (X, Y, Z) data from the available device that implements SENSOR_TRIG_DATA_READY and SENSOR_CHAN_MAGN_*.

Building and Running

/ {
  aliases {
    magn0 = &fxos8700;

Make sure the aliases are in devicetree, then build and run with:

west build -b <board to use> samples/sensor/magn_trig
west flash

Sample Output

fxos8700@1d (x, y, z):    (   -0.107000,     0.118000,    -1.026000)
fxos8700@1d (x, y, z):    (   -0.132000,     0.083000,    -0.981000)
fxos8700@1d (x, y, z):    (   -0.143000,     0.102000,    -0.931000)
fxos8700@1d (x, y, z):    (   -0.153000,     0.126000,    -0.843000)
fxos8700@1d (x, y, z):    (   -0.145000,     0.152000,    -0.802000)
fxos8700@1d (x, y, z):    (   -0.143000,     0.125000,    -0.740000)
fxos8700@1d (x, y, z):    (   -0.133000,     0.130000,    -0.736000)
fxos8700@1d (x, y, z):    (   -0.133000,     0.124000,    -0.776000)
fxos8700@1d (x, y, z):    (   -0.120000,     0.123000,    -0.776000)
fxos8700@1d (x, y, z):    (   -0.135000,     0.120000,    -0.782000)
fxos8700@1d (x, y, z):    (   -0.129000,     0.116000,    -0.787000)