Zephyr API Documentation 3.7.99
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protected_storage.h File Reference

The PSA Protected Storage (PS) API. More...

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psa_status_t psa_ps_set (psa_storage_uid_t uid, size_t data_length, const void *p_data, psa_storage_create_flags_t create_flags)
 Creates a new or modifies an existing entry.
psa_status_t psa_ps_get (psa_storage_uid_t uid, size_t data_offset, size_t data_size, void *p_data, size_t *p_data_length)
 Retrieves data associated with the provided uid.
psa_status_t psa_ps_get_info (psa_storage_uid_t uid, struct psa_storage_info_t *p_info)
 Retrieves the metadata of a given entry.
psa_status_t psa_ps_remove (psa_storage_uid_t uid)
 Removes the provided uid and its associated data.
psa_status_t psa_ps_create (psa_storage_uid_t uid, size_t capacity, psa_storage_create_flags_t create_flags)
 Reserves storage for the provided uid.
psa_status_t psa_ps_set_extended (psa_storage_uid_t uid, size_t data_offset, size_t data_length, const void *p_data)
 Writes part of the data associated with the provided uid.
uint32_t psa_ps_get_support (void)
 Lists optional features.

Detailed Description

The PSA Protected Storage (PS) API.

For more information on the PS, see The Protected Storage API.

Macro Definition Documentation





Function Documentation

◆ psa_ps_create()

psa_status_t psa_ps_create ( psa_storage_uid_t uid,
size_t capacity,
psa_storage_create_flags_t create_flags )

Reserves storage for the provided uid.

Upon success, the capacity of the storage for uid will be capacity, and the size will be 0. It is only necessary to call this function for data that will be written with the psa_ps_set_extended() function. If only the psa_ps_set() function is used, calls to this function are redundant. This function cannot be used to replace or resize an existing entry.

uidThe identifier of the entry to reserve storage for.
capacityThe capacity, in bytes, to allocate.
create_flagsFlags indicating the properties of the entry.
Return values
PSA_SUCCESSThe operation completed successfully.
PSA_ERROR_GENERIC_ERRORAn unspecified internal failure happened.
PSA_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTEDThe implementation doesn't support this function or one or more of the flags provided in create_flags are not supported or invalid.
PSA_ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTSAn entry with the provided uid already exists.
PSA_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGEThere is insufficient space on the storage medium.
PSA_ERROR_STORAGE_FAILUREThe physical storage has failed (fatal error).

◆ psa_ps_get()

psa_status_t psa_ps_get ( psa_storage_uid_t uid,
size_t data_offset,
size_t data_size,
void * p_data,
size_t * p_data_length )

Retrieves data associated with the provided uid.

[in]uidThe identifier of the data.
[in]data_offsetThe offset, in bytes, from which to start reading the data.
[in]data_sizeThe number of bytes to read.
[out]p_dataThe buffer where the data will be placed on success. Must be at least data_size bytes long.
[out]p_data_lengthOn success, the number of bytes placed in p_data.
Return values
PSA_SUCCESSThe operation completed successfully.
PSA_ERROR_GENERIC_ERRORAn unspecified internal failure happened.
PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTOne or more of the arguments are invalid. This can also happen if data_offset is larger than the size of the data associated with uid.
PSA_ERROR_DOES_NOT_EXISTThe provided uid was not found in the storage.
PSA_ERROR_STORAGE_FAILUREThe physical storage has failed (fatal error).
PSA_ERROR_INVALID_SIGNATUREThe data associated with uid failed authentication.
PSA_ERROR_DATA_CORRUPTThe data associated with uid is corrupt.

◆ psa_ps_get_info()

psa_status_t psa_ps_get_info ( psa_storage_uid_t uid,
struct psa_storage_info_t * p_info )

Retrieves the metadata of a given entry.

[in]uidThe identifier of the entry.
[out]p_infoA pointer to a psa_storage_info_t struct that will be populated with the metadata on success.
Return values
PSA_SUCCESSThe operation completed successfully.
PSA_ERROR_GENERIC_ERRORAn unspecified internal failure happened.
PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTOne or more of the arguments are invalid.
PSA_ERROR_DOES_NOT_EXISTThe provided uid was not found in the storage.
PSA_ERROR_STORAGE_FAILUREThe physical storage has failed (fatal error).
PSA_ERROR_INVALID_SIGNATUREThe data associated with uid failed authentication.
PSA_ERROR_DATA_CORRUPTThe data associated with uid is corrupt.

◆ psa_ps_get_support()

uint32_t psa_ps_get_support ( void )

Lists optional features.

A bitmask with flags set for the optional features supported by the implementation. Currently defined flags are limited to PSA_STORAGE_SUPPORT_SET_EXTENDED.

◆ psa_ps_remove()

psa_status_t psa_ps_remove ( psa_storage_uid_t uid)

Removes the provided uid and its associated data.

Deletes previously stored data and any associated metadata, including rollback protection data.

uidThe identifier of the entry to remove.
A status indicating the success/failure of the operation
Return values
PSA_SUCCESSThe operation completed successfully.
PSA_ERROR_GENERIC_ERRORAn unspecified internal failure happened.
PSA_ERROR_DOES_NOT_EXISTThe provided uid was not found in the storage.
PSA_ERROR_STORAGE_FAILUREThe physical storage has failed (fatal error).

◆ psa_ps_set()

psa_status_t psa_ps_set ( psa_storage_uid_t uid,
size_t data_length,
const void * p_data,
psa_storage_create_flags_t create_flags )

Creates a new or modifies an existing entry.

uidThe identifier of the data. Must be nonzero.
data_lengthThe size in bytes of the data in p_data to store.
p_dataA buffer containing the data to store.
create_flagsFlags indicating the properties of the entry.
Return values
PSA_SUCCESSThe operation completed successfully.
PSA_ERROR_GENERIC_ERRORAn unspecified internal failure happened.
PSA_ERROR_NOT_PERMITTEDAn entry associated with the provided uid already exists and was created with PSA_STORAGE_FLAG_WRITE_ONCE.
PSA_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTEDOne or more of the flags provided in create_flags are not supported or invalid.
PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTOne or more arguments other than create_flags are invalid.
PSA_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGEThere is insufficient space on the storage medium.
PSA_ERROR_STORAGE_FAILUREThe physical storage has failed (fatal error).

◆ psa_ps_set_extended()

psa_status_t psa_ps_set_extended ( psa_storage_uid_t uid,
size_t data_offset,
size_t data_length,
const void * p_data )

Writes part of the data associated with the provided uid.

Before calling this function, storage must have been reserved with a call to psa_ps_create(). This function can also be used to overwrite data that was written with psa_ps_set(). This function can overwrite existing data and/or extend it up to the capacity of the entry specified in psa_ps_create(), but cannot create gaps.

uidThe identifier of the entry to write.
data_offsetThe offset, in bytes, from which to start writing the data. Can be at most the current size of the data.
data_lengthThe size in bytes of the data in p_data to write. data_offset
  • data_length can be at most the capacity of the entry.
p_dataA buffer containing the data to write.
Return values
PSA_SUCCESSThe operation completed successfully.
PSA_ERROR_GENERIC_ERRORAn unspecified internal failure happened.
PSA_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTEDThe implementation doesn't support this function.
PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTOne or more of the arguments are invalid.
PSA_ERROR_DOES_NOT_EXISTThe provided uid was not found in the storage.
PSA_ERROR_STORAGE_FAILUREThe physical storage has failed (fatal error).
PSA_ERROR_INVALID_SIGNATUREThe data associated with uid failed authentication.
PSA_ERROR_DATA_CORRUPTThe data associated with uid is corrupt.