Formatted Output

Applications as well as Zephyr itself requires infrastructure to format values for user consumption. The standard C99 library *printf() functionality fulfills this need for streaming output devices or memory buffers, but in an embedded system devices may not accept streamed data and memory may not be available to store the formatted output.

Internal Zephyr API traditionally provided this both for and for Zephyr’s internal minimal libc, but with separate internal interfaces. Logging, tracing, shell, and other applications made use of either these APIs or standard libc routines based on build options.

The public APIs convert C99 format strings and arguments, providing output produced one character at a time through a callback mechanism, replacing the original internal functions and providing support for almost all C99 format specifications. Existing use of s*printf() C libraries in Zephyr can be converted to to avoid pulling in libc implementations.

Several Kconfig options control the set of features that are enabled, allowing some control over features and memory usage:

CONFIG_CBPRINTF_LIBC_SUBSTS can be used to provide functions that behave like standard libc functions but use the selected cbprintf formatter rather than pulling in another formatter from libc.

In addition CONFIG_CBPRINTF_NANO can be used to revert back to the very space-optimized but limited formatter used for before this capability was added.

Cbprintf Packaging

Typically, strings are formatted synchronously when a function from printf family is called. However, there are cases when it is beneficial that formatting is deferred. In that case, a state (format string and arguments) must be captured. Such state forms a self-contained package which contains format string and arguments. Additionally, package may contain copies of strings which are part of a format string (format string or any %s argument). Package primary content resembles va_list stack frame thus standard formatting functions are used to process a package. Since package contains data which is processed as va_list frame, strict alignment must be maintained. Due to required padding, size of the package depends on alignment. When package is copied, it should be copied to a memory block with the same alignment as origin.

Package can have following variants:

  • Self-contained - non read-only strings appended to the package. String can be formatted from such package as long as there is access to read-only string locations. Package may contain information where read-only strings are located within the package. That information can be used to convert packet to fully self-contained package.

  • Fully self-contained - all strings are appended to the package. String can be formatted from such package without any external data.

  • Transient- only arguments are stored. Package contain information where pointers to non read-only strings are located within the package. Optionally, it may contain read-only string location information. String can be formatted from such package as long as non read-only strings are still valid and read-only strings are accessible. Alternatively, package can be converted to self-contained package or fully self-contained if information about read-only string locations is present in the package.

Package can be created using two methods:

  • runtime - using or . This method scans format string and based on detected format specifiers builds the package.

  • static - types of arguments are detected at compile time by the preprocessor and package is created as simple assignments to a provided memory. This method is significantly faster than runtime (more than 15 times) but has following limitations: requires _Generic keyword (C11 feature) to be supported by the compiler and cannot distinguish between %p and %s if char pointer is used. It treats all (unsigned) char pointers as %s thus it will attempt to append string to a package. It can be handled correctly during conversion from transient package to self-contained package using flag. However, it requires access to the format string and it is not always possible thus it is recommended to cast char pointers used for %p to void *. There is a logging warning generated by called with flag when char pointer is used with %p.

Several Kconfig options control behavior of the packaging:

Cbprintf package conversion

It is possible to convert package to a variant which contains more information, e.g transient package can be converted to self-contained. Conversion to fully self-contained package is possible if flag was used when package was created.

is used to calculate space needed for the new package and to copy and convert a package.

Cbprintf package format

Format of the package contains paddings which are platform specific. Package consists of header which contains size of package (excluding appended strings) and number of appended strings. It is followed by the arguments which contains alignment paddings and resembles va_list stack frame. It is followed by data associated with character pointer arguments used by the string which are not appended to the string (but may be appended later by cbprinf_package_convert()). Finally, package, optionally, contains appended strings. Each string contains 1 byte header which contains index of the location where address argument is stored. During packaging address is set to null and before string formatting it is updated to point to the current string location within the package. Updating address argument must happen just before string formatting since address changes whenever package is copied.


sizeof(void *)

1 byte: Argument list size including header and fmt (in 32 bit words)

1 byte: Number of strings appended to the package

1 byte: Number of read-only string argument locations

1 byte: Number of transient string argument locations

platform specific padding to sizeof(void *)


Pointer to fmt (or null if fmt is appended to the package)

(optional padding for platform specific alignment)

argument 0

(optional padding for platform specific alignment)

argument 1

String location information (optional)

Indexes of words within the package where read-only strings are located

Pairs of argument index and argument location index where transient strings are located

Appended strings (optional)

1 byte: Index within the package to the location of associated argument

Null terminated string


If CONFIG_MINIMAL_LIBC is selected in combination with CONFIG_CBPRINTF_NANO formatting with C standard library functions like printf or snprintf is limited. Among other things the %n specifier, most format flags, precision control, and floating point are not supported.

Limitations and recommendations

  • C11 _Generic support is required by the compiler to use static (fast) packaging.

  • It is recommended to cast any character pointer used with %p format specifier to other pointer type (e.g. void *). If format string is not accessible then only static packaging is possible and it will append all detected strings. Character pointer used for %p will be considered as string pointer. Copying from unexpected location can have serious consequences (e.g., memory fault or security violation).

API Reference

Formatted Output APIs