Samples that demonstrate some board-specific features on STM32 boards.
- Backup SRAMUse Backup SRAM to store a variable that persists across power cycles.
- Core Coupled Memory (CCM)Place and use variables in the Core Coupled Memory (CCM).
- Hardware Semaphore (HSEM) Inter-Processor Communication on STM32 H7Use the Hardware Semaphore (HSEM) to trigger LED blinking from one core to another.
- I2C V2 timingsRetrieve I2C V2 timings at runtime.
- Master Clock Output (MCO)Output an internal clock for external use by the application.
- Pro sensorsRead sensor data from the various Pro sensors.
- sensorsRead sensor data from the various sensors.
- Single-wire UARTUse single-wire/half-duplex UART functionality of STM32 devices.
- sensorsRead sensor data from the various STWIN SensorTile wireless industrial node sensors.
- UART circular modeRead data from the console and echo it back using a circular dma configuration.
- Bluetooth: ST Interactive GUIExpose ST BlueNRG Bluetooth network coprocessor over UART.
Power Management
- ADC power managementUse ADC in a low-power context on STM32.
- Blinky with power managementBlink an LED using the GPIO API in a low-power context on STM32
- Bluetooth Low Energy Power Management on STM32WBPerform Bluetooth LE operations with Zephyr power management enabled on STM32WB.
- GPIO as a wake-up pin sourceUse a GPIO as a wake-up pin source.
- Serial wakeupWake up on serial activity on STM32.
- Standby/Shutdown modeEnter and exit Standby/Shutdown mode on STM32.
- STOP3 modeUse STOP3 low power mode on STM32U5.
- Suspend to RAMUse suspend to RAM low power mode on STM32.