These samples demonstrate some board-specific features in Zephyr.
96Boards ArgonKey
- MicrophoneAcquire audio through the ArgonKey's on-board MP34DT05 microphone.
- SensorsRead sensor data from the ArgonKey board's onboard sensors.
BBC micro:bit
- LED matrix displayUse the 5x5 LED matrix display on the BBC micro:bit board.
- Line following robotImplement a line following robot using a BBC micro:bit board and robot chassis.
- Pong gamePlay pong as single player or over Bluetooth between two micro:bit devices.
- SoundUse the piezo buzzer on the BBC micro:bit board.
Espressif ESP32 boards
- Deep SleepUse deep sleep with wake on timer, GPIO, and EXT1 sources on ESP32.
- Flash EncryptionEncrypt/decrypt data stored in flash memory using ESP32 flash encryption feature.
- Light SleepUse light sleep mode on ESP32 to save power while preserving the state of the memory, CPU, and peripherals.
- Memory-Mapped FlashWrite data into scratch area and read it using flash API and memory-mapped pointer.
- SPIRAMAllocate memory from SPIRAM.
- XTAL32K Watchdog Timer (WDT)Trigger watchdog interrupt on external 32K crystal failure.
Ultra Low Power coprocessor (ULP)
Low-Power CPU (LP CORE)
- Debug ULPDebug the LP Core in ESP32C6.
- Power Delivery AnalyzerImplement a basic Power Delivery Analyzer to determine if a USB device is currently charging.
- Code relocationRelocate code using custom linker script.
MEC15xxEVB Reference Board
Nordic Semiconductor
- Battery Voltage MeasurementMeasure the voltage of the device power supply.
- Coresight STM benchmark
- Dynamic Pin ControlDynamically change pin configuration at boot time.
- IEEE 802.15.4 over RPMsgExpose nRF IEEE 802.15.4 radio driver to another device or CPU using RPMsg transport.
- LED matrixUse the nRF LED matrix display driver to drive an LED matrix.
- Mesh ModelsSetup a Bluetooth Mesh node with various models (generic OnOff, generic Level, ...).
- Mesh OnOff ModelControl LEDs on a mesh network using the Bluetooth Mesh OnOff model.
- nRF5x Clock SkewMeasure the skew between the high-frequency and low-frequency clocks.
- nrfxUse nrfx library to interact with nRF peripherals.
- nrfx peripheral resource sharingUse nRF peripherals that share the same ID and base address.
- Synchronized RTCSynchronize system and network core RTC clocks.
- System OffUse deep sleep on Nordic platforms.
- FLEXRAM magic addressConfigure an interrupt that triggers on arbitrary RAM/TCM address access.
- Number crunching using optimized librarySet up and use different backends for complex math operations.
- RT1060 System OffUse soft-off on MIMXRT1060-EVK.
- RT595 System OffUse soft-off on MIMXRT595-EVK.
- S32 Network Controller (NETC)Configure NXP S32 Network Controller (NETC)
reel board
- Bluetooth Mesh badgeImplement a smart badge using the reel board and Bluetooth Mesh.
- OpenAMP Linux Zephyr RPMsgEnable message exchange between two cores, with the application core running Linux and the real-time core running Zephyr, using the OpenAMP library.
- Renesas comparatorMonitor the output of comparator.
- Backup SRAMUse Backup SRAM to store a variable that persists across power cycles.
- Core Coupled Memory (CCM)Place and use variables in the Core Coupled Memory (CCM).
- Hardware Semaphore (HSEM) Inter-Processor Communication on STM32 H7Use the Hardware Semaphore (HSEM) to trigger LED blinking from one core to another.
- I2C V2 timingsRetrieve I2C V2 timings at runtime.
- Master Clock Output (MCO)Output an internal clock for external use by the application.
- Pro sensorsRead sensor data from the various Pro sensors.
- sensorsRead sensor data from the various sensors.
- Single-wire UARTUse single-wire/half-duplex UART functionality of STM32 devices.
- sensorsRead sensor data from the various STWIN SensorTile wireless industrial node sensors.
- UART circular modeRead data from the console and echo it back using a circular dma configuration.
- Bluetooth: ST Interactive GUIExpose ST BlueNRG Bluetooth network coprocessor over UART.
Power Management
- ADC power managementUse ADC in a low-power context on STM32.
- Blinky with power managementBlink an LED using the GPIO API in a low-power context on STM32
- Bluetooth Low Energy Power Management on STM32WBPerform Bluetooth LE operations with Zephyr power management enabled on STM32WB.
- GPIO as a wake-up pin sourceUse a GPIO as a wake-up pin source.
- Serial wakeupWake up on serial activity on STM32.
- Standby/Shutdown modeEnter and exit Standby/Shutdown mode on STM32.
- STOP3 modeUse STOP3 low power mode on STM32U5.
- Suspend to RAMUse suspend to RAM low power mode on STM32.
Texas Instruments
- CC13x2/CC26x2 System OffExercise the various sleep modes on TI CC13x2/CC26x2 platforms.