This is the documentation for the latest (main) development branch of Zephyr. If you are looking for the documentation of previous releases, use the drop-down list at the bottom of the left panel and select the desired version.

Zephyr Management Group

Zephyr management group defines the following commands:

Command ID

Command description


Erase storage

Erase storage command

Erase storage command allows clearing the storage_partition flash partition on a device, generally this is used when switching to a new application build if the application uses storage that should be cleared (application dependent).

Erase storage request

Erase storage request header fields:


Group ID

Command ID




The command sends sends empty CBOR map as data.

Erase storage response

Read setting response header fields:


Group ID

Command ID




The command sends an empty CBOR map as data if successful. In case of error the CBOR data takes the form:

    (str)"err" : {
        (str)"group"    : (uint)
        (str)"rc"       : (uint)


“err” -> “group”

mcumgr_group_t group of the group-based error code. Only appears if an error is returned when using SMP version 2.

“err” -> “rc”

contains the index of the group-based error code. Only appears if non-zero (error condition) when using SMP version 2.


mcumgr_err_t only appears if non-zero (error condition) when using SMP version 1 or for SMP errors when using SMP version 2.