Renesas comparator
A sample that help to monitor the output of comparator.
Hardware Setup
The IVREF is connected to the internal output of DA0 (DAC module). By default, DA0 is set to ~1.75V (half of the full-scale voltage).
For IVCOMP, the user can connect the IVCMP3 input to either:
Case 1: IVCMP3 with SW0 (button on board, on ek_ra8m1 is P600).
Case 2: IVCMP3 with external voltage for comparison.
Building and Running
This application can be built and executed on RA boards as follows:
west build -b ek_ra8m1 samples/boards/renesas/comparator
west flash
The comparator’s output controls LED0:
If the comparator output is HIGH, LED0 turns on.
If the comparator output is LOW, LED0 turns off.
Example case:
Case 1: IVCMP3 connected to SW0 (Pull up)
SW0 not pressed –> Comparator output HIGH –> LED0 on
SW0 pressed –> Comparator output LOW –> LED0 off
Case 2: IVCMP3 connected to another reference voltage
IVCMP3 HIGH –> Comparator output HIGH –> LED0 on
IVCMP3 LOW –> Comparator output LOW –> LED0 off