The Teensy is a complete USB-based microcontroller development system, in a very small footprint, capable of implementing many types of projects. All programming is done via the USB port.

(Credit: https://www.pjrc.com)

(Credit: https://www.pjrc.com)
MIMXRT1062DVL6A MCU (600 MHz, 1024 KB on-chip memory)
16 Mbit QSPI Flash
User LED
USB 2.0 host connector
See the Teensy 4.0 Website [1] for a complete hardware description.
MIMXRT1062DVJ6A MCU (600 MHz, 1024 KB on-chip memory)
64 Mbit QSPI Flash
User LED
USB 2.0 host connector
USB 2.0 OTG connector
10/100 Mbit/s Ethernet transceiver
TF socket for SD card
To connect an Ethernet cable, additional Teensy 4.1 Ethernet Kit [3] is required.
See the Teensy 4.1 Website [2] for a complete hardware description.
For more information, check the i.MX RT1060 Datasheet [4].
Supported Features
The Teensy 4.0 board configuration supports the following hardware features:
Interface |
Controller |
Driver/Component |
on-chip |
adc |
on-chip |
clock_control |
on-chip |
flash |
on-chip |
gpio |
I2C |
on-chip |
i2c |
I2S |
on-chip |
i2s |
on-chip |
arch/arm |
on-chip |
pwm |
on-chip |
system clock |
on-chip |
spi |
on-chip |
can |
on-chip |
serial |
on-chip |
usb |
on-chip |
entropy |
on-chip |
watchdog |
The Teensy 4.1 board configuration supports additional hardware features:
Interface |
Controller |
Driver/Component |
on-chip |
disk access |
on-chip |
ethernet |
Other hardware features have not been enabled yet for this board.
Connections and IOs
Pin mappings from Teensy to MIMXRT1062 SoC.
Pin |
Pad ID |
Usage |
0 |
AD_B0_03 |
GPIO1_3 / UART6_RX / CAN2_RX |
1 |
AD_B0_02 |
GPIO1_2 / UART6_TX / CAN2_TX |
2 |
EMC_04 |
GPIO4_4 |
3 |
EMC_05 |
GPIO4_5 |
4 |
EMC_06 |
GPIO4_6 |
5 |
EMC_08 |
GPIO4_8 |
6 |
B0_10 |
GPIO2_10 |
7 |
B1_01 |
GPIO2_17 / UART4_RX |
8 |
B1_00 |
GPIO2_16 / UART4_TX |
9 |
B0_11 |
GPIO2_11 |
10 |
B0_00 |
GPIO2_0 |
11 |
B0_02 |
GPIO2_2 |
12 |
B0_01 |
GPIO2_1 |
13 |
B0_03 |
GPIO2_3 / LED |
14 |
AD_B1_02 |
GPIO1_18 / UART2_TX |
15 |
AD_B1_03 |
GPIO1_19 / UART2_RX |
16 |
AD_B1_07 |
GPIO1_23 / UART3_RX / I2C3_SCL |
17 |
AD_B1_06 |
GPIO1_22 / UART3_TX / I2C3_SDA |
18 |
AD_B1_01 |
GPIO1_17 / I2C1_SDA |
19 |
AD_B1_00 |
GPIO1_16 / I2C1_SCL |
20 |
AD_B1_10 |
GPIO1_26 / UART8_TX |
21 |
AD_B1_11 |
GPIO1_27 / UART8_RX |
22 |
AD_B1_08 |
GPIO1_24 / CAN1_TX |
23 |
AD_B1_09 |
GPIO1_25 / CAN1_RX |
24 |
AD_B0_12 |
GPIO1_12 / UART1_TX / I2C4_SCL |
25 |
AD_B0_13 |
GPIO1_13 / UART1_RX / I2C4_SDA |
26 |
AD_B1_14 |
GPIO1_30 / SPI3_MOSI |
27 |
AD_B1_15 |
GPIO1_31 / SPI3_SCK |
28 |
EMC_32 |
GPIO3_18 / UART7_RX |
29 |
EMC_31 |
GPIO4_31 / UART7_TX |
30 |
EMC_37 |
GPIO3_23 / CAN3_RX |
31 |
EMC_36 |
GPIO3_22 / CAN3_TX |
32 |
B0_12 |
GPIO2_12 |
33 |
EMC_07 |
GPIO4_7 |
Only Teensy 4.0:
34 |
SD_B0_03 |
GPIO3_15 |
35 |
SD_B0_02 |
GPIO3_14 |
36 |
SD_B0_01 |
GPIO3_13 |
37 |
SD_B0_00 |
GPIO3_12 |
38 |
SD_B0_05 |
GPIO3_17 |
39 |
SD_B0_04 |
GPIO3_16 |
Only Teensy 4.1:
34 |
B1_13 |
GPIO2_29 / UART5_RX |
35 |
B1_12 |
GPIO2_28 / UART5_TX |
36 |
B1_02 |
GPIO2_18 |
37 |
B1_03 |
GPIO2_19 |
38 |
AD_B1_12 |
GPIO1_28 / SPI3_CS |
39 |
AD_B1_13 |
GPIO1_29 / SPI3_MISO |
40 |
AD_B1_04 |
GPIO1_20 |
41 |
AD_B1_05 |
GPIO1_21 |
Programming and Debugging
Both the Teensy 4.0 and Teensy 4.1 ship with a dedicated bootloader chip, which supports flashing using USB. This allows easy flashing of new images, but does not support debugging the device.
Build the Zephyr kernel and the Blinky sample application.
west build -b teensy40 samples/basic/blinky
west build -b teensy41 samples/basic/blinky
Connect the board to your host computer using USB.
Tap the reset button to enter bootloader mode. Red LED blinks.
Flash the image.
west build -b teensy40 samples/basic/blinky
west flash
west build -b teensy41 samples/basic/blinky
west flash
You should see the orange LED blink.
Configuring a Console
By default console output is mapped to teensy pins 0 (RX1) and 1 (TX1). Connect a usb-to-serial adapter to use this serial console. Use the following settings with your serial terminal of choice (minicom, putty, etc.):
Speed: 115200
Data: 8 bits
Parity: None
Stop bits: 1
By mapping the console output to USB, a usb-to-serial adapter is no longer required. Utilizing the CDC-ACM Console Snippet (cdc-acm-console) and a config option will enable this feature.
If application code doesn´t enable USB device support, this must be done via Kconfig option.
Build application including the snippet.
west build -b teensy41 -S cdc-acm-console samples/basic/blinky west flash
After application startup a serial device named like
should appear on your host computer. You can use e.g.Serial Monitor
plugin for VScode to monitor.