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Generic 3-Axis accelerometer polling sample


This sample application demonstrates how to use 3-Axis accelerometers.

Building and Running

This sample supports up to 10 3-Axis accelerometers. Each accelerometer needs to be aliased as accelN where N goes from 0 to 9. For example:

/ {
      aliases {
                      accel0 = &lis2dh;

Make sure the aliases are in devicetree, then build and run with:

west build -b <board to use> samples/sensor/accel_polling
west flash

Sample Output

lis2dh@19 [m/s^2]:    (  -6.013728,   -3.064320,    7.277760)
lis2dh@19 [m/s^2]:    (  -6.128640,   -3.026016,    7.201152)
lis2dh@19 [m/s^2]:    (  -6.090336,   -3.064320,    7.162848)
lis2dh@19 [m/s^2]:    (  -6.128640,   -3.026016,    7.354368)
lis2dh@19 [m/s^2]:    (  -6.166944,   -3.102624,    7.277760)
lis2dh@19 [m/s^2]:    (  -6.128640,   -2.987712,    7.277760)
lis2dh@19 [m/s^2]:    (  -6.052032,   -2.987712,    7.277760)
lis2dh@19 [m/s^2]:    (  -6.166944,   -2.987712,    7.239456)
lis2dh@19 [m/s^2]:    (  -6.090336,   -3.026016,    7.201152)