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Generic Digital Humidity Temperature sensor polling sample


This sample application demonstrates how to use digital humidity temperature sensors.

Building and Running

This sample supports up to 10 humidity/temperature sensors. Each sensor needs to be aliased as dhtN where N goes from 0 to 9. For example:

/ {
      aliases {
                      dht0 = &hs300x;

Make sure the aliases are in devicetree, then build and run with:

west build -b <board to use> samples/sensor/dht_polling
west flash

Sample Output

hs300x@44: temp is 25.31 °C humidity is 30.39 %RH
hs300x@44: temp is 25.51 °C humidity is 30.44 %RH
hs300x@44: temp is 25.51 °C humidity is 30.37 %RH
hs300x@44: temp is 25.51 °C humidity is 30.39 %RH
hs300x@44: temp is 25.31 °C humidity is 30.37 %RH
hs300x@44: temp is 25.31 °C humidity is 30.35 %RH
hs300x@44: temp is 25.51 °C humidity is 30.37 %RH
hs300x@44: temp is 25.51 °C humidity is 30.37 %RH
hs300x@44: temp is 25.51 °C humidity is 30.39 %RH
hs300x@44: temp is 25.51 °C humidity is 30.44 %RH
hs300x@44: temp is 25.51 °C humidity is 30.53 %RH