TDK Advanced Pedometer and Event Detection (APEX)

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This sample application shows how to use the APEX (Advanced Pedometer and Event Detection) features of TDK Invensense sensors. It consists of: ** Pedometer: Tracks step count, and provide details such as the cadence and the estimated activity type (Walk, Run, Unknown). ** Tilt Detection: Detects the Tilt when tilting the board with an angle of 30 degrees or more. The tilt event is generated when the position is held for 4 seconds. ** Wake on Motion (WoM): Detects motion per axis exceeding 195 mg threshold. ** Significant Motion Detector (SMD): Detects when the user has moved significantly. APEX features support are configured through devicetree.


Driver configuration

The APEX is based on accelerometer data only. The TDK Sensor driver configures accelerometer low power mode and the APEX operating frequency (25Hz or 50Hz).


This sample uses an external breakout for the sensor. A devicetree overlay must be provided to identify the TDK sensor, the SPI or I2C bus interface and the interrupt sensor GPIO.

Building and Running

This sample supports TDK IMU devices. Each device needs to be aliased as tdk-apex-sensorN where N goes from 0 to 9. For example:

/ {
       aliases {
                       tdk-apex-sensor0 = &icm42670p;

This sample supports APEX feature of TDK device. It needs to be specified as below:

icm42670p: icm42670p@0 {
        apex = "pedometer";

Make sure the apex feature used is in devicetree, then build and run with:

# From the root of the zephyr repository
west build -b nrf52dk/nrf52832 samples/sensor/tdk_apex
west flash

Sample Output

icm42670p: icm42670p@0 {
        apex = "pedometer";
Found device "icm42670p@68", getting sensor data
[0:00:09.287]: STEP_DET     count: 6 steps  cadence: 2.0 steps/s  activity: Unknown
[0:00:09.689]: STEP_DET     count: 7 steps  cadence: 2.1 steps/s  activity: Walk
[0:00:10.051]: STEP_DET     count: 8 steps  cadence: 2.2 steps/s  activity: Walk
[0:00:10.433]: STEP_DET     count: 9 steps  cadence: 2.2 steps/s  activity: Walk
[0:00:10.835]: STEP_DET     count: 10 steps  cadence: 2.3 steps/s  activity: Walk

<repeats endlessly>
icm42670p: icm42670p@0 {
        apex = "tilt";
Found device "icm42670p@68", getting sensor data
[0:00:15.249]: TILT
[0:00:21.479]: TILT
[0:00:26.765]: TILT

<repeats endlessly>
icm42670p: icm42670p@0 {
        apex = "wom";
Found device "icm42670p@68", getting sensor data
[0:00:02.555]: WOM x=1 y=0 z=1
[0:00:02.636]: WOM x=0 y=0 z=1
[0:00:02.797]: WOM x=0 y=1 z=0
[0:00:02.877]: WOM x=0 y=0 z=1
[0:00:02.957]: WOM x=1 y=1 z=1

<repeats endlessly>
icm42670p: icm42670p@0 {
        apex = "smd";
Found device "icm42670@68", getting sensor data
[0:00:04.622]: SMD
[0:00:05.084]: SMD
[0:00:05.566]: SMD

<repeats endlessly>

See also

Sensor Interface