Nucleo N657X0-Q
The NUCLEO-N657X0-Q board provides an affordable and flexible way for users to try out new concepts and build prototypes by choosing from the various combinations of performance and power consumption features, provided by the STM32 microcontroller. For the compatible boards, the internal or external SMPS significantly reduces power consumption in Run mode.
The ST Zio connector, which extends the ARDUINO® Uno V3 connectivity, and the ST morpho headers provide an easy means of expanding the functionality of the Nucleo open development platform with a wide choice of specialized shields.
The NUCLEO-N657X0-Q board does not require any separate probe as it integrates the ST-LINK debugger/programmer.
The STM32 Nucleo-144 board comes with the STM32 comprehensive free software libraries and examples available with the STM32Cube MCU Package.
Common features:
STM32 microcontroller in an LQFP144, TFBGA225, or VFBGA264 package
3 user LEDs
1 user push-button and 1 reset push-button
32.768 kHz crystal oscillator
Board connectors:
ST morpho expansion connector
Flexible power-supply options: ST-LINK USB VBUS, USB connector, or external sources
Features specific to some of the boards (refer to the ordering information section of the data brief for details);
External or internal SMPS to generate Vcore logic supply
Ethernet compliant with IEEE-802.3-2002
USB Device only, USB OTG full speed, or SNK/UFP (full-speed or high-speed mode)
Board connectors:
ARDUINO® Uno V3 connector or ST Zio expansion connector including ARDUINO® Uno V3
Camera module FPC
MIPI20 compatible connector with trace signals
USB with Micro-AB or USB Type-C®
Ethernet RJ45
On-board ST-LINK (STLINK/V2-1, STLINK-V3E, or STLINK-V3EC) debugger/programmer with USB re-enumeration capability: mass storage, Virtual COM port, and debug port
For more details, please refer to:
Supported Features
The Zephyr nucleo_n657x0_q
board supports the following hardware features:
Interface |
Controller |
Driver/Component |
on-chip |
adc |
on-chip |
reset and clock control |
on-chip |
canbus |
on-chip |
Direct Memory Access Controller |
on-chip |
gpio |
I2C |
on-chip |
i2c |
on-chip |
nested vector interrupt controller |
on-chip |
spi |
on-chip |
serial port-polling; serial port-interrupt |
Other hardware features are not yet supported on this Zephyr port.
The default configuration can be found in the defconfig file: boards/st/nucleo_n657x0_q/nucleo_n657x0_q_defconfig
Connections and IOs
NUCLEO-N657X0-Q Board has 12 GPIO controllers. These controllers are responsible for pin muxing, input/output, pull-up, etc.
For more details please refer to NUCLEO-N657X0-Q User Manual.
Default Zephyr Peripheral Mapping:
ADC1_INP10 : PA9
ADC1_INP11 : PA10
I2C1_SCL : PH9
I2C1_SDA : PC1
I2C4_SCL : PE13
I2C4_SDA : PE14
LD1 : PO1
LD2 : PG10
System Clock
NUCLEO-N657X0-Q System Clock could be driven by internal or external oscillator, as well as main PLL clock. By default System clock is driven by PLL clock at 400MHz, driven by 64MHz high speed internal oscillator.
Serial Port
NUCLEO-N657X0-Q board has 10 U(S)ARTs. The Zephyr console output is assigned to USART1. Default settings are 115200 8N1.
Programming and Debugging
NUCLEO-N657X0-Q board includes an ST-LINK/V3 embedded debug tool interface. This probe allows to flash and debug the board using various tools.
Flashing or loading
The board is configured to be programmed using west STM32CubeProgrammer runner, so its installation is needed. Version 2.18.0 or later of STM32CubeProgrammer is required.
To program the board, there are two options:
Program the firmware in external flash. At boot, it will then be loaded on RAM and executed from there.
Optionally, it can also be taken advantage from the serial boot interface provided by the boot ROM. In that case, firmware is directly loaded in RAM and executed from there. It is not retained.
Programming an application to NUCLEO-N657X0-Q
Here is an example to build and run Hello World application.
First, connect the NUCLEO-N657X0-Q to your host computer using the ST-Link USB port.
Build and flash an application using
target.# From the root of the zephyr repository west build -b nucleo_n657x0_q samples/hello_world west flash
For flashing, before powering the board, set the boot pins in the following configuration:
BOOT0: 0
BOOT1: 1
After flashing, to run the application, set the boot pins in the following configuration:
BOOT1: 0
Power off and on the board again.
Run a serial host program to connect to your board:
$ minicom -D /dev/ttyACM0
.. group-tab:: Serial Boot Loader (USB)
Additionally, connect the NUCLEO-N657X0-Q to your host computer using the USB port.
In this configuration, ST-Link is used to power the board and for serial communication
over the Virtual COM Port.
.. note::
Before powering the board, set the boot pins in the following configuration:
* BOOT0: 1
* BOOT1: 0
Build and load an application using ``nucleo_n657x0_q/stm32n657xx/sb`` target (you
can also use the shortened form: ``nucleo_n657x0_q//sb``)
# From the root of the zephyr repository
west build -b nucleo_n657x0_q samples/hello_world
west flash
Run a serial host program to connect to your board:
$ minicom -D /dev/ttyACM0
You should see the following message on the console:
Hello World! nucleo_n657x0_q/stm32n657xx
For now debugging is only available through STM32CubeIDE:
Go to File > Import and select C/C++ > STM32 Cortex-M Executable.
In Executable field, browse to your <ZEPHYR_PATH>/build/zephyr/zephyr.elf.
In MCU field, select STM32N657X0HxQ.
Click on Finish.
Finally, click on Debug to start the debugging session.
For debugging, before powering on the board, set the boot pins in the following configuration:
BOOT0: 0
BOOT1: 1
Running tests with twister
Due to the BOOT switches manipulation required when flashing the board using nucleo_n657x0_q
board target, it is only possible to run twister tests campaign on nucleo_n657x0_q/stm32n657xx/sb
board target which doesn’t require BOOT pins changes to load and execute binaries.
To do so, it is advised to use Twister’s hardware map feature with the following settings:
- platform: nucleo_n657x0_q/stm32n657xx/sb
product: BOOT-SERIAL
pre_script: <path_to_zephyr>/boards/st/common/scripts/
runner: stm32cubeprogrammer